Category Archives: Worst of

The Worst of 2024, Episode Four

It’s a lot about dummies and assholes this week, including: an Indian man had some difficulty after sticking a 16-inch gourd up his ass; fast food breakfasts and muddy Baja Blasts; some low IQ buffoon went around the security gates at Kings Island; and a recap of people hurting themselves with July 4th fireworks.

The Worst of 2024, Episode Two

The recap of 2024 continues with Jeff messing with his wife, and other angry things; the boys debate the merits of owning a flame throwing robot dog; a guy pulled a gun on another guy working the Burger King window on a Sunday morning; and at the height of Covid, Brian called a local Pizza Hut.

The Worst of 2024, Episode One

Well it’s that time of year again, where we dip into several weeks of so-called “worst of” episodes, so Brian doesn’t have to go back into production for two more months. This week: Brian saw a girl with Summer Teeth; Jeff has an unreasonable reaction to the idea of banana splits; Brian sat on his balls for the first time; Pete Davidson’s cock and how people keep lying about not wanting to fuck Kim Kardashian; creeps, “Lollipop,” and Chubby Checker; and finally, some teacher molested a 13-year-old.

The Worst of 2023, Episode Seven

The absolute worst.

At the end of every recap, there’s always a mystery whether everyone is going to be back next week. If not, feel free to listen to this episode over and over as we discuss a cop with an Only Fans, a pig terrorizing a family, and a neighborhood being attacked by a rabid otter.

Subscribe to TGO Radio on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music & Audible, Spotify, or Stitcher.

The Worst of 2023, Episode Six

The absolute worst.

It’s the penultimate recap of the worst of 2023, and it starts with Brian’s favorite joke of the year and continues with an angry pilot dispensing justice, Jeff takes a lead in the Dead Pool, and a homeless drug addicted woman was eaten by an alligator.

Subscribe to TGO Radio on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music & Audible, Spotify, or Stitcher.

The Worst of 2023, Episode Five

The absolute worst.

The endless recap of 2023 continues with a miracle surgery, Brian saw an ex on the news, the inglorious introduction of Adolf Goofy and Malt Fismey, a man kills his sister (with a twist), Artificial Intelligence Batman talking to you about your porn addiction, and looking back at Burger Chef.

Subscribe to TGO Radio on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music & Audible, Spotify, or Stitcher.

The Worst of 2023, Episode Four

The absolute worst.

Here we are in the new year, wondering if Doug is ever going to fix the sound machine, discussing how kid fucker Jared Fogel isn’t having fun in prison, talking about OJ Simpson being on the case, and slipping into yet another show breakdown after talking about a woman giving birth to a 13 pound baby.

Subscribe to TGO Radio on: Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music & Audible, Spotify, or Stitcher.